Fort mcmurray

So This Is Why I’m Ugly?!?

So This Is Why I’m Ugly?!?

Aug 20, 2024 | 1:11pm
When it comes to beauty trends, we usually think of moisturizers or face masks as the secret weapons, but apparently, the real game-changer could be what’s on your plate. I stumbled across a study last night that claims 92% of people find someone less attractive after they’ve eaten carbs. Yes, you read that right—carbs. So […]
Taking A Unique New Approach To Mental Health

Taking A Unique New Approach To Mental Health

Aug 16, 2024 | 2:36pm
Just days after a study proudly declared Alberta home to some of the best post-secondary institutions in the country, it seems they’re trying to challenge that title in a rather… unique way. The University of Calgary is diving deep into research to prove that taking poop pills—yes, you read that right—might actually improve your mental […]
Forever Chemicals? Forever Ruining Childhoods!

Forever Chemicals? Forever Ruining Childhoods!

Aug 15, 2024 | 2:06pm
Remember when life was so much simpler as a kid? Running around, drinking from the hose, and not having a care in the world? Well, science is here to ruin that nostalgia trip with some not-so-great news: apparently, rainwater isn’t safe to drink anymore. Yep, thanks to something called “forever chemicals,” even the rain has […]
Gas Prices Making Us Shed A Tear… In A Good Way!

Gas Prices Making Us Shed A Tear… In A Good Way!

Aug 14, 2024 | 3:24pm
Keeping an eye on gas prices has never been anyone’s idea of a good time, but it looks like things are about to get a little less painful at the pump. Experts are predicting a slight dip in gas prices just in time for the weekend. Sure, it’s not a long weekend or anything special, […]
Canada’s Problem With $*&!#@% Swearing

Canada’s Problem With $*&!#@% Swearing

Aug 13, 2024 | 3:35pm
While we Canadians have plenty to be proud of, it turns out we might need to wash our mouths out with soap—seriously. A recent ranking put Canada at 5th in the world for swearing. Yep, we’re up there with the best (or worst?) of them. Honestly, it makes sense. Between skyrocketing prices, terrible roads, and […]
Make Some Extra “Me Time” This Weekend!

Make Some Extra “Me Time” This Weekend!

Aug 9, 2024 | 4:58pm
As the weekend approaches and many of us gear up for 48 blissful hours away from work, the real question is: what aren’t you going to do? According to studies, the average Canadian needs around 60 lazy days a year to feel truly rested and recovered. And honestly, who can argue with that? Those glorious […]
What Drives Canadians the Craziest!

What Drives Canadians the Craziest!

Aug 7, 2024 | 3:47pm
As much as we’ll all collectively complain about social media, it seems Canadians have something they hate even more. A new study has determined that the most hated app in Canada is none other than the dating and hookup app Tinder. Personally, I can’t criticize it too much because it confirmed my belief that my […]
Companies Say The World Isn’t Happy Enough!

Companies Say The World Isn’t Happy Enough!

Aug 6, 2024 | 3:15pm
In what might be the saddest news of the year, it seems we’re all at least a little depressed… Or at least that’s what representatives of the world’s largest champagne companies believe, as their sales are at an all-time low! They say there’s seemingly less cheer in the world, and that’s why we aren’t popping […]
The Only Time A Sunburn Feels “Cool”

The Only Time A Sunburn Feels “Cool”

Aug 2, 2024 | 1:47pm
When it comes to knowing about trends and what’s cool or in, yours truly has been out of the loop for a handful of years. No greater evidence of that than now… It seems there’s a new makeup trend taking off with a bunch of Gen Z influencers that involves going a little overboard with […]
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year??

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year??

Aug 1, 2024 | 1:55pm
Well, we’ve finally made it to August, which is a really interesting time of year in many ways. It’s when people try their hardest to get outside and enjoy the last real month of summer. Then, it’s those same people who’ll fight to get back indoors and complain about how hot it is. And let’s […]

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