Another Long Weekend? Time for Turkey Overload!

With another long weekend on the horizon, I’m sure we’re all pretty excited, right? A few extra days to kick back, relax, and—oh wait, it’s Turkey Season.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a good turkey dinner with all the trimmings as much as the next person. But let’s be real—there are just so many turkeys coming our way! It’s like a never-ending gobble-fest.

First, there’s Thanksgiving. Then, if you’ve got multiple families to visit, maybe another Thanksgiving dinner the next day. Before you know it, holiday parties are upon us, and guess what’s on the menu? Not some fancy quail or a perfectly roasted chicken… nope, turkey!

Fast forward to Christmas, and there it is, front and center on the table, staring back at you, just waiting to be drowned in gravy. If that wasn’t enough, you’ve got weeks of turkey sandwiches, turkey soups, and worst of all—the one uncle who always tries to be clever and explain how the turkey makes you sleepy. Yes, Uncle Rick, we get it, it’s the tryptophan.

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