The Harvard Media Auctions Spring AG, Trades & Equipment Auction is on now!! Go check it out.
There are a bunch of different great deals for all things agriculture essentials, ranch & livestock gear, tools, vehicles, servicing and more! There is a little something for whatever you might need this spring and summer. I think my favorite thing about these auctions is just how much money you can save. There are so many great deals!
To highlight a little something… or maybe something not so little! You can bid on becoming the new owner of Husqvarna Stand-On Lawn Mower V548, valued at $13,299. If you’re looking for something like this, now is your time to get a great deal!

The auction closes on April 25 (Thursday) evening. Bonus points, there are new items being added until the very end!
Head to to check it out for yourself! Good luck